Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine is a distinct and heart-centered practice of medicine that emphasizes prevention, addresses the root cause of symptoms, and offers treatments that support your self-healing processes.
Nutrition & Lifestyle Recommendations
This includes dietary recommendations, exercise, relaxation and mindfulness techniques to improve quality of life. These changes are sometimes the hardest, but they are the most important and create the foundations for long-lasting health.
Herbal Medicine
Herbs are a gentle and effective option for both chronic and acute conditions. There are many herbs that help the body fight infection, heal, and return to a balanced state of health.
A form of medicine that uses the smallest amount of a substance (plant, mineral, animal) to help the body heal.
Nutrient Therapy
If your body is unable to take in all the sustenance it needs from food alone, specific nutrients in the form of supplements may be needed to help heal and repair your body.